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Westley Richards

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A Birds Eye View of Westley Richards.

Last week, as the sun was going down, a visitor to the factory quietly launched his drone and took some video of the factory. From his footage, he has kindly grabbed a few stills for me. For those who have never visited these give a nice perspective of the factory and its location in the city.

Westley Richards Factory 4

Westley Richards Factory 3

Westley Richards Factory 6

Westley Richaards Factory 8

Westley Richards Factory 2

Westley richards Factory 1

Westley Richards Factory 5

Westley Richards Factory 7

Westley Richards Factroy 9

Westley Richards Factory 10

Inside the building you will discover vaults full of guns to interest you.

Main Gunroom



My sincere thanks to Ryan Belanger for use of his shots.


  • vancedaigle on October 19, 2015 at 7:25 pm


    For all of you gun enthusiast out there I cannot recommend strongly enough the visiting of Westley Richards. What an experience it was for me just a couple short months ago. Not only was it a pleasure, I was treated like a friend. Seeing all the guns I have longed to view, in person...Splendid. What are the chances a guy like myself can say he actually viewed a W.J. Jeffrey bolt action in 500 Jeffrey? A pair of Boss shotguns and list goes on and on. It must have taken me a week just to wrap my head around all that I had seen...a gun lover's dream. Lastly to see the work bench's of a Best Gun builder, with guns at different stage's of completion...WOW. Simon thank you very much for not only the wonderful experience, but to allow me to cross so much off my Bucket list. Guys there are few thing I can recommend with such vigor, a trip to Westley Richards...Priceless!!!!!

    On another note guy's my bride came with me and enjoyed her day as well. So much to view, the clothing and leather goods really impressed her, not an easy task...Her leaving with a Westley Richards bribe, I mean Back pack....hint!!

    In Christ

  • Neill Clark on October 19, 2015 at 8:15 pm

    Nice photos, and timely in an ironic way really. Last Wednesday I was in Birmingham for a meeting, and drove right past you on the way back to the M6. Unfortunately I was in a colleagues car and he needed to get back south for mid afternoon, also he is not interested in shooting, so I missed out on the chance to say hello in person.

    Still,there will be other opportunities I'm sure.

  • Larry on October 20, 2015 at 3:38 pm

    Is there a rifle range on the grounds like there was at 40 Grange Rd?

    • Simon Clode on October 20, 2015 at 5:41 pm

      Yes, you see the green strip of grass on the right side of the carpark, the range is below that.

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