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A Rare Pair of Westley Richards .470 Droplock Double Rifles.

The first pair of .470 hand detachable lock double rifles that we made were for George Eastman in 1925, those were for his 1926 & 1928 Safari's and which were documented in his book Chronicles of an African Trip (1927). Our second pair was made in 1992 for an Italian gentleman whose order I took over a long and liquid fuelled lunch at the then infamous Langan's Brasserie in London. The deal for 2 pairs of double rifles was detailed out on the paper table cloth during lunch, after a long negotiation the price was agreed and signed by both parties on the cloth and this the waiter kindly folded and gave me on departure.

A Pair of Westley Richards .470 Droplock Double Rifles

This latest pair of 470 rifles were commissioned as a gift for the 2 sons of a long standing customer of ours, a customer who had hoped his 2 boys would one day accompany him to Africa. Alas, their interests have taken them in a 'non hunting' direction and with father being a total .500 3" afficiando for his doubles, I have been asked to find a home for these rifles.

Pairs of double rifles are a rare item to find and they are something I have always enjoyed making as a result, there being a very special feeling about a person needing a pair of rifles to hunt with in Africa, it is a sign of true enthusiast .

This pair of detachable lock rifles is made for hunting, a deluxe gift but not too precious for the bush. 2 rifles with extra locks, elaborate scroll, fine cameo's of large elephant all cased in a fine alligator skin case with outer cover.

Anybody with 2 sons to spoil or a big hunt planned?

A Pair of Westley Richards .470 Droplock Double Rifles


A Pair of Westley Richards .470 Droplock Double Rifles


A Pair of Westley Richards .470 Droplock Double Rifles


A Pair of Westley Richards .470 Droplock Double Rifles


  • tim wilkes on March 11, 2015 at 9:29 am

    A stunning pair.

    I feel for the father. I too attempted to interest my son in game shooting, but it has not got to him as it did to me. My hope is that he comes to it later. Otherwise, who do I pass my guns on to? One was my great grandfather's; my grandfather and then my father used it before me.

  • Neill on March 11, 2015 at 12:00 pm

    True beauties, shame his sons did not want them - they may regret that decision one day. The thought of a matched pair of DB rifles made me smile though, a pair of shotguns I can understand when the Grouse are coming thick and fast but it would be a brave line of guns standing facing driven Elephants, no matter how well armed!

    Incidentally, in my case I introduced my Dad to shooting (and Fly Fishing). Sadly he is no longer with us but I'm sure he's keeping an eye on me from the happy hunting grounds.

  • JORGE DIEUZEIDE BRAÑA on March 14, 2015 at 4:19 pm




  • Diego Antunes Brito on March 17, 2015 at 1:29 am

    The most amazing pair i have ever seen,a real masterpiece,can you send pictures by email?
    Congratulations for the fine work on this amazing piece of art.
    Diego Antunes Brito

  • Leif HerrGeselll on April 10, 2015 at 2:05 pm


    As an enlisted fellow author and avid still hunter I day dream of someday owning one of your outstanding rifles. For the time being however, I thoroughly enjoy your website and the wonderful photography of my personal choice of the worlds finest firearms. Please keep up the breathtaking work and tell your shop words cannot adequately describe my admiration for their skill. You may count on my son to continue the hunting tradition and to admire excellence in artistry.

    • Simon Clode on April 10, 2015 at 2:40 pm

      Thank you for your kind comments!

      Best Wishes,

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