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Back From Case Colour Hardening - The .470 Engraved by Paul Lantuch.

Here we are again! The colour on colour off question! I know that 99% of people who have seen the previous post of this rifle before it went to case colour hardening will say "take it off". A seemingly easy answer as the engraving obviously stands out so well when silver and will stand out even more now that the colour is on, the steel will be grey and retain a deep back ground.

Westley Richards .470 Carved by Paul Lantuch. (2 of 5)

I have mixed feelings as I do like the case colour and I started this project with the client based on the old case colour hardened R.B.Rodda rifles which I have always admired. The engraving has great depth and so it does stand out and with a little careless use in the bush the rifle will slowly polish off, come to life and shine out!

untitled (4 of 5)

Westley Richards .470 Carved by Paul Lantuch. (5 of 5)

Westley Richards .470 Carved by Paul Lantuch. (3 of 5)

Westley Richards .470 Carved by Paul Lantuch. (4 of 5)


  • Larry on August 11, 2016 at 11:00 am

    Generally on these deep relief engraved guns I think, take off the color! But this one is stunning as is... Especially the bottom cover. The hardening was nailed! Love it. Beautiful work.

  • Vance Daigle on August 11, 2016 at 3:17 pm

    Good Day Simon,

    Mr. Lantuch in my humble opinion Sir you will be remembered in history as one of the greatest engravers of your era, this is really stunning work. Your vision is beyond what is seen on British Best guns, such style and interpretation. My hats off to you Sir!!

    Simon I think (KNOW) there is no one out there in the gun business remaining that could possible put together a complete team to build such magnificent art. None of which is lost on me, assembling a team of craftsman, artist along with suppliers to build such beauty, must be like hearding cats!!!!
    A painter paints, a sculpture molds, one man one piece. When building a gun there are so many parts to the puzzle, you appear to make it look effortless Simon...the great one's do!!!

    To the gemtleman that purchased this wonderful gun, my hats off, without someone like you funding such projects guys like me would never be able to see such work...congrats on your beautiful Double Rifle!!! I will be waiting with baited breath to see it complete and cased.

    It really does take a village to build a great gun!!!!!!!

    In Christ

  • Gary Duffey on August 11, 2016 at 9:40 pm

    It is just stunning in every way! The really good new is that neither approach represents a mistake. That said, if it were me I would leave it, color on. It will wear from use and handling, from cleaning, and even from the case(s) in areas of the gun that will create a "natural" patina that will make it yet more complete. The owner will know the source of wear in total and be the sole source of any of that patina. I would thank the WR craftsmen and the engraver (Master of the Lion) for a wonderful result and then inform you that, "Gentlemen, I will take it from here". I hope to see it again in 10 years.

  • Keith on August 11, 2016 at 10:22 pm

    Many thanks for sharing the beautiful rifle and its amazing engraving at so many stages during its creation.

    I am sure that it will give its future owner a lifetime of pleasure, and will be a prized possession for generations of owners to come.

    A totally subjective opinion; the case hardening has come out with such depth of colour (and the corners and very thin sections are still pale, as they should be), and the engraving is so strong and deep, that I think the two complement each other beautifully.

  • Mark Mitchell on August 12, 2016 at 1:05 pm

    Hi Simon,

    Another vote for colour on from me.

    Best regards


  • Rex on August 12, 2016 at 11:43 pm

    Couldn't agree more with the posters above - the case coloring is remarkable, it would be very hard to improve upon it aesthetically.

  • Lajos on August 15, 2016 at 9:22 pm

    Ahhhhhh! No comment! Agree with all above.
    And speechless...

  • Matthew Schmidt on August 17, 2016 at 9:57 pm

    Superb engraving with incredible 3D depth and detail, quite amazing. I think the customer is going to be very happy.

    Matt Schmidt.

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