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Owen Hastings of the Purdey team.

The reason behind Purdey's  2013 attack in Birmingham to poach our apprentices became apparent today when Owen hastings and Ian Sweetman, our 2 ex lads helped lead Purdey to claiming back the London Gunmakers Cup off us at todays shoot with a cup winning score of 173! Westley Richards won the cup last year at the Aitkin Grant and Lang grounds and hosted this years event. The highest scoring team overall was E J Churchill's who also won the flush.

The event was held at the excellent E. J. Churchill shooting ground in West Wycombe and was superbly organised for us by Rob Fenwick, the manager of the grounds and his team. I am sure everyone who attended will join me in thanking them all for a superb day.

There was an excellent turnout this year with 17 teams of 3 participating in the shoot. Holland & Holland were noted in their absence, but it was agreed a hat would be passed around to collect their entry fee for next year.

Team ChurchillRob Fenwick, Anthony Tregear (Trigger) & Sir Edward Dashwood formed the overall winning E J Churchill Team.

WRCO5001S. Dupille, C. Langton, Sir Edward, Chris Batha, C. Suter and Trigger 

Atkin Grant & Lang TeamP. Godfrey, J. Hocking & A. Bower formed the Aitkin Grant & Lang team.

WRCO5037Ben Laidlaw, Bob Laidlaw and Will Garfit of Shootmart Ltd.

Westley Richards TeamChris Bridge, Lloyd Fox & Dave Gawne from Westley Richards.

Ricky BondRicky Bond of Westley Richards, here waiting for a rabbit, shot for Stephen & Son's team.

Westley Richards TeamWestley Richards teams enjoying a beer after the event.

The participants were:

E. J. Churchill, Holts Auctioneers, John Rigby & Co, R.J. Blackwell, Boss & Co, Trade Team, Shootmart UK, Stephen & Son Ltd. James Purdey & Sons (3 teams), Charles Boswell, Brattonsound, Atkin Grant & Lang, L.W. Butler & Westley Richards (2 teams)

Winner of London Gunmakers Cup. James Purdey & Son. Phil Butcher, Owen Hastings & Ian Sweetman. Score 173

Overall Winner. E. J. Churchill. Sir Edward Dashwood, Rob Fenwick, Anthony Allborough-Tregear (sub) Score 193.

High Gun. Sir Edward Dashwood. Score 45

Flurry. 1st.  E.J.Churchill with a score of 69. 2nd tied. Brattonsound & Charles Boswell 64

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