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The Westley Richards 'Lion Rifle'. A .470 Sidelock Express.

The Lion Rifle is complete and is a rifle I am particularly pleased with, I think the whole rifle has come together really well and that the engraving is unique. It is refreshing to see another new style so beautifully executed. Not, I am sure, to everyones taste, but certainly to mine! Thanks to everyone involved with its making.

Westley Richards, Lion Rifle, Lantuch, 470 Sidelock

Lion Rifle, Westley Richards, 470, Sidelock,

Westley Richards, Lion Rifle, 470 Sidelock

Westley Richards, Lion Rifle, Sidelock 470

Rifle by Westley Richards, Engraving by Paul Lantuch, Barrel Black Johnsons, Colour Case Hardening Richard St Ledger, Colour Brush Off A.M. Brown.


  • Ali on December 4, 2014 at 1:14 am

    The lion you depict is very Lion!
    A classic one.

  • Simon Clode on December 4, 2014 at 12:05 pm

    Thank you so very much for the photos of the 'Lion Rifle' on the Explora Blog. I would like to congratulate Westleys on this imaginative tour de force of engraving and style. Scroll engraving highlighted with vignettes of lions and gold inlays has been done to utter repetition with pedestrian results, but this rifle is absolutely unique. It has the feel of classical Greek sculpture without being so themed, and captures the very essence of the powerful and muscular yet nimble feline form. Unfortunately future efforts to emulate its style, say with other animal themed firearms, will only look like a cheap knock-off. It is this quality that defines an original, a masterpiece. Again, congratulations to Westleys, Simon, and most of all Mr. Lantuch the engraver. And thank you!

    May I ask, for which caliber is the rifle chambered?

    Best regards,

  • Neill Clark on December 4, 2014 at 7:34 pm

    A wonderful example of the art of the engraver and gunmaker, thanks for the photos. I will admit to being one to whose taste it does not appeal, but that does not stop me appreciating the level of craftsmanship involved.

  • James de Penning on December 5, 2014 at 5:08 pm

    Fabulous, even better than Paul's India Rifle. What calibre may I ask?

    • Simon Clode on December 5, 2014 at 7:14 pm

      Thank You! It is a .470 I will put it in the text!


  • Matthew Harry on December 8, 2014 at 9:53 am

    Really classy rifles of new style. Engraving is also appreciable. It is completely justifying its name 'THE LION'.

  • Gary Duffey on December 11, 2014 at 10:53 pm

    I have looked in awe at this rifle since its post and I feel somewhat foolish to even comment on it. The photo quality and format is excellent and contrast beautiful with the striking colors of this rifle. The barrels are an incredible black and they with the black mineral streaks in the stock make a perfect 'frame' for the action. The engraving and relief work are just spectacular! The black background in the color in relief and the just perfect brush off of the color is something else. The fences brushed right at the crown is a great touch. I did notice more so on this rifle maybe due to the contrast of colors that the top lever and trigger guard almost mirror each other in shape in the same plane. What work, just the best!

  • Rhiannon on December 26, 2015 at 3:42 pm

    What a beautiful piece! Is this gun available for purchase?

    • Simon Clode on December 27, 2015 at 12:45 am

      Thank you but I am afraid not, this was a rifle we made on commission and one which is on display here at Westley Richards.


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