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Roald Amundsen who took a 12g Super Magnum Explora on his Polar expeditions.

It is hardly believable to me that almost a year has passed since we first launched this blog last July. 209 posts later and before I head to USA next week for a road trip to find more guns, I wanted to take the oppertunity to thank everyone who has visited the blog, especially to those who have commented on posts and sent me messages of encouragement privately. We have all been surprised at how well it has been received.

Certainly The Explora is quite hard work and was always intended to be a "shared duty" here at the factory, however a year later, we stand with a current score of Simon 200 posts, Rachel 5 posts and Trigger a measly 2 posts! Shared duty my .......!!

In order to generate some guest contributions to the blog and to add some other items of interest for visitors I would like to award a prize for the best "Guest Post" over the next 6 months. The First prize will be one of my 2 copies of the 1 - 50 limited edition Leather bound bicentennial history "In Pursuit of the Best Gun". This edition sold out within weeks and originally cost £750 a copy.  There will be 4 runners up who will get a copy of the 1 - 200 limited edition book.

Limited edition leather, westley richards, bicentennialThe Limited Edition Copy  " In Pursuit of the Best Gun" and sample spreads. 

In Pursuit of the Best Gun In Pursuit of the Best Gun

This first prize limited edition book is beautifully hand bound in goat skin with a checkering pattern emboss. The book is signed by The author Jeremy Musson, my father Walter Clode, HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Thani  (who kindly wrote the introduction to the book) and myself. The prizes will be sent out in December after judging on 10th December so the winners will have in time for Christmas.

Please get out your pens and send in any short articles on guns and gunmaking, wing shooting and big game hunting, gear and destinations. Anything that you feel will enhance the blog. I will post all relevant submissions but not promotions! Judging will be by a combination of a Westley Richards panel and comments received for the relevant posts!

Submissions can be made please, to 

Thank you and Good Luck!



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