Mechanically totally sound, the rifle will be fully serviced, shot and tested. The only work decisions to be made are the refurbishment of the stock and blacking of parts. The Westley Richards bespoke case is a later addition and was made 2 years ago and is in immaculate condition, I also feel these canvas and leather cases are the most appropriate for this type of 'working and travelling' rifle.
Westley Richards Take Down Bolt Action Rifle No.43617 in .375 H&H Magnum - Completed 2010.
22 1/4" barrel with Quarter rib, one fixed and one folding leaf rear express sight regulated at 100 and 200 yards. Westley Richards combination foresight. Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10x42 scope on Smithson QD mounts.
Very well figured stock with 14 1/2" LOP, full pistol grip with grip trap cap, cheekpiece, leather covered recoil pad.
Weight of rifle - 9lbs 13oz - with scope on 11lbs 3oz
Westley Richards Bespoke Canvas and leather border case with accessories.
This rifle will be posted on our used gun shortly. Immediate enquiries to
Peter on August 23, 2016 at 3:13 pm
Good evening Mr. Clode
As always a lovely rifle bruises or not.
Best regards
Matthew Schmidt on August 24, 2016 at 3:22 pm
A fantastic looking working rifle, very nice.
Matt Schmidt.
paul j. antonino on August 28, 2016 at 8:02 pm
great looking rifle,was the sling swivel base thru the forend added later or there when built ?
and i say ,,leave it alone its to young to be refurbished ,, paul
Simon Clode on August 28, 2016 at 9:57 pm
It was there from new. We fit that often for uk owners as they also take a bipod attachment as well as sling.
Nice to hear from you!!