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E.J.Churchill Best Quality Vintage .470 Double Rifle

The gunmaking name E.J.Churchill conjures up for the majority of gun enthusiasts the 'XXV' (25") barrel shotguns that the company was so famous for promoting in the pre-war years. The raised rib and short barrels made for quick gun handling and suited a very instinctive style of shooting promoted by family member Robert Churchill. Brand names such as 'Hercules', 'Zenith' and 'Premiere' remain synonymous with the company.

Churchill .470 #6309-5276-Edit

Churchill .470 #6309-5267-Edit

Double rifles by the maker are few and far between so this particular rifle really is a treat. Built as a 'Hercules' best quality model fixed lock ejector in the fantastic .470 nitro express calibre and completed circa 1940, everything about the rifle really is 'best quality' with wood that even by modern standards is super exhibition quality, complemented with a fabulous fleur dy lis checkering pattern. The engraving is the tight full coverage Churchill house scroll with the rifle retaining nearly all of its original case colour hardening and finish. As fixed lock double rifles go it is probably one of the best you will see.

Churchill .470 #6309-5248-Edit Churchill .470 #6309-5206-EditChurchill .470 #6309-5187-Edit

Established in 1891 by Edwin John Churchill, the company still thrives from its base in West Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, where ironically and very professionally it caters to thousands of shooters every year, a fitting tribute to both Edwin John Churchill and later Robert Churchill who were fanatical shotgun enthusiasts and instructors. For any travelling sportsman coming this season to shoot in the Uk you cannot go wrong paying the shooting grounds a visit and sharpening up your skills.


  • Mark Mitchell on August 12, 2017 at 12:10 pm

    Good find Trigger.That ones a beauty



  • David Hodo on August 12, 2017 at 8:55 pm

    Hi Trigger

    The first Churchill double rifle I have seen. It just never ends with you and your staff finding "new" and interesting guns and rifles! Please keep it up!!!

    David Hodo

  • Peter Buckley. on August 13, 2017 at 3:08 am

    Dear Trigger

    Quality speaks for itself and this particular rifle is talking quite loudly, with quality you don't need to look, just admire!
    This rifle along with other fabulous guns we have seen in the past on the "Explora" surely is testament to the superb craftsmanship that the craftsmen of the British Isles have in their hands, past and present!

    Are we getting anywhere near the back of the vault, how many more gems have we yet to drool over?

    Best regards. Peter.

  • Ken Hill on August 13, 2017 at 10:16 am


    Thanks for showing this Churchill. A great looking DR from the maker. As you mentioned, I only thought Churchill made shotguns with emphasis on the XXV. Nice to see they made DRs.


  • Neill on August 13, 2017 at 2:48 pm

    A first for me as well, Churchill meant shotguns, but no longer. This looks exquisite, another gem!

  • Larry on August 15, 2017 at 12:41 pm

    What a great looking specimen. Nice!

  • Michael C Pink on April 11, 2021 at 8:50 am

    Please show as many Rook & Rabbit rifles that you can muster. Did Westley Richards ever build any Rolling Block Rook & Rabbit rifles?

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