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I was pushing Frederique Lepinois earlier this year during the design process of these 16g detachable lock guns, having sorted the design out she responded to me finally on email, prior to starting the pair of guns  "I HOPE TO MAKE A CORRECT WORK, I AM NOT A MASTER ENGRAVER!" 

Westley Richards,Deluxe Engraving, F Lepinois

I don't think anyone looking at these guns will deny that this work is not the work of a master engraving. The detail and execution of the pair is quite superb in every way and I hope you will all join me in congratulating Frederique at becoming a MASTER ENGRAVER for sure! (not that she was ever not before this job!!) I am sure she would welcome a pat on the back in the comments box!

Westley Richards,Deluxe Engraving, F Lepinois


Westley Richards,Deluxe Engraving, F Lepinois

Westley Richards,Deluxe Engraving, F Lepinois

Master Engraver, Frederique Lepinois, Westley RichardsFrederique Lepinois during a visit to our stand at Safari Club, Las Vegas in 2014


  • M Ward on October 9, 2014 at 1:16 pm

    True art work!

  • Pete Spode on October 10, 2014 at 2:23 am

    Recently, I have noticed that there is a growing band of female engravers gaining recognition for their work on guns. From what I have seen so far, their work displays a finesse and delicacy which is most attractive and eye-catching.
    There also appears to be a transition from traditional engravers striving to become 'artists', to REAL artists who just happen to choose engraving as their means of expression.
    These artists, as evidenced by their wonderful creative work are not hampered by the 'baggage' of 150 years of gun engraving styles which imprisons many traditional gun engravers. Consequently, newer styles look clean and fresh.
    Westley Richards clearly is sourcing the very best creative engravers in the world to enhance their guns. The results of this strategy are quite stunning as evidenced by their recent production.
    This pair of guns engraved by Frederique Lepinois displays a complex artistic design expressed in exquisite detail. Lovely lovely work !!! Superb ! 5787

    • Simon Clode on October 10, 2014 at 2:30 am

      Thank you Pete, nicely put!!

  • James de Penning on October 10, 2014 at 10:56 am

    Very unique work, wonderfully executed.

  • Alain Lovenberg on October 18, 2014 at 7:17 am

    Beau travail et belle composition, Frédérique!
    L'oeil s'y accroche et s'attarde, c'est le signe d'un dessin bien balancé.
    Ne sois pas trop modeste, tu as beaucoup de talent. Simon Clode a raison!

    Au plaisir de te revoir,



    Good work and nice composition, Frédérique !
    The eye clings and lingers, it is the sign of a well balanced design.
    Do not be too modest, you have a lot of talent. Simon Clode right!

    Hope to see you again

  • Vance Daigle on December 26, 2014 at 12:10 pm

    Young lady, Frederique Lepinois you are as beautiful as your work. I am going to pick out my engraving at the Dallas show in a few weeks. Hopefully you will be attending that show. I would love to shake the hand of the person who can do such wonderful work. The engraving style of my shotgun will be much more modest and not the type of spectacular work you are showing above. But if you would honor me with engraving my gun... I would be thrilled my dear.

    In Christ
    Vance Daigle,

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