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 Robin Anthony Hurt

Robin-Hurt-&-Simon-ClodeRobin Hurt and Simon Clode

It was really nice to see Robin Hurt here at the factory today, back from his hunting grounds in Namibia to collect his guns for the shooting season in England. Robin is among the few who have converted to shooting his game with a 28g, having seen his skills with a rifle many years ago when he collected his .425  I am sure he is more than competent against the pheasants with this gauge!

Few professional hunters can claim the experience Robin has as he approaches his 50th year in the business, even fewer, if any have maintained a reputation as he has.

Anthony 'Trigger' sat and talked to Robin and will later write about the interview he had, including a super story about when Robin, in a leopard blind in the early dawn, took his trousers quietly down in front of a client and whispered 'take your trousers off'.....

We have been proud to have been associated with Robin over the years and to have supplied both him and his great clients guns, rifles and services for their Safari's.

Robin's new hunting grounds in Namibia can be seen here at Robin Hurt Namibia



  • Jacques R. Vander Sande on October 11, 2013 at 9:18 am

    Great Blog - Lots of information - great reading.
    I am looking forward to seeing the new O/U.
    Would love to see a sleek 20guage with a spare set of 28guage barrels.
    Try to keep the 12 guage O/U at about 6 lbs, they point fast and carry well.
    Good luck, Good to see quality again.

    • Simon Clode on October 11, 2013 at 10:43 am

      Thanks for your comments, they will be sleek and fast and we like the 28g so whilst we have a lot of work to do I encourage more comments like this, it helps to know what different people think are the important 'features' so we can try and deliver. Simon

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