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The Engraved Parts of a 20g Westley Richards Droplock. Engraved by Sebastian Lehy.

It is always very nice to get a beautifully executed gun back from a new engraver who we have used for the first time. Thank you very much Sebastian, may there be many more!

Engraved parts of a new 20g droplock shotgun

WR Droplock engraved by Sebastian Lehy

WR Droplock engraved by Sebastian Lehy.

WR Droplock engraved by Sebastian Lehy



  • Matthew Schmidt on October 5, 2015 at 6:34 pm

    Absolutely magnificent, I can hardly wait to see the finished gun. These scroll back drop locks are definitely the most elegant SxS ever made.


  • Larry on October 6, 2015 at 6:18 am

    Looks great. Is there any significance to the morel on the bottom plate?

    • Simon Clode on October 6, 2015 at 5:15 pm

      Thanks, I am not sure, trying to find out if client wanted it or if it is a engravers mark! A bit strange for a mark so I assume it was requested!

  • vancedaigle on October 6, 2015 at 7:05 am

    Morning Simon,

    Very nicely done Sebastian!! Simon this is the first time I have seen the action of a gun in this vice like apparatus. When time permits would you please shine a little light on it. Interesting that it appears to have some engraving almost like a reference? thank you in advance for the effort Sir. One more question is this action going to be Case Colored now are is it complete?

    In Christ

    • Simon Clode on October 6, 2015 at 5:14 pm

      Hi Vance,

      This was the engraving vice that Rash used whilst here at WR. The little engravings and inlays are as Neill mentioned in a comment above, doodles or tests. These vices are a big heavy rotating object. Peter Spode is doing a little blog post for me on 'how they are used', as soon as he has it I will post it! The action will be case coloured like all our guns are, I am not sure if the client will leave it on or take it off!


  • Neill on October 6, 2015 at 8:17 am

    Lovely work indeed, very much to my taste. I also love the engraving on the vice, is this the engravers equivalent of the "doodling" I do (much less artistically) in my notebook?

    • Simon Clode on October 6, 2015 at 5:16 pm

      This was Rash's vice whilst here and yes it is doodles!


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