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Holland & Holland 10g Under Lever Hammer Gun

Serial Number 4237



Holland & Holland 10g Underlever Hammer Gun made in 1877.

Jones patent underlever action with percussion fences. The back action locks have rebounding hammers, Jones underlever, and the two triggers are swept for a left hand shooter. Fine scroll engraving on the action body, lever, lock plates, and hammers and the maker’s name engraved along the top edge of each lock.

Original 32” Damascus barrels remain in their original proof with 2 7/8” chambers and have not been nitro-proved. Barrels remain tight on face and have London proofs (ca. 1875-1887) are proofed as an “11” bore (.751) and each barrel measures .758”, are choked cylinder, and have over .040” min. wall thickness in each barrel. Raised, smooth concave rib marked “Holland & Holland 98 New Bond Street London” address (the partnership between Harris Holland and his nephew Henry Holland was formed in 1876).

The original straight hand stock has approx. 1/8" cast-on and a 14” LOP over a smooth steel butt. The grip and splinter forend have their original flat top checkering.

Metal is mostly silver but engraving and maker’s name remains sharp. The barrel are mottled grey, but some Damascus figure shows. Bores are good, but barrels have a few small pits and one small dent on outside, overall good condition though. Stock's condition is consistent with the metal and both butt and forend appear to be original with no obvious cracks or repairs. The checkering also appears original, but is worn and could use a little lift. 

Overall, a very early and original hammer 10g by World-renowned maker, Holland & Holland. 


Location US
Make Holland & Holland
Calibre/Gauge 10g
Action Jones Underlever
Triggers 2
Ejectors No
Barrel Length 32"
Rib Smooth
Chamber 2 7/8"
Choke Right CYL
Choke Left CYL
Stock Straight
LOP 14"
Weight 8lbs 7.2oz
